
My Quest For Computer Cognition

My Quest For Computer Cognition
Situational scenes and ideas for a television sitcom, Miley Dreams. Miley will involve herself with a dude who discovered a mathematical, Cartesian relationship linking all biological life to a Creative entity. A fascinating discovery which motivates Miley and I and others to embark upon a quest for the secrets of biological cognition, ultimately to set the stage and the gears in motion for the construction of Murgatroyd: a future computer system mimicking biological cognition.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sketching my thoughts for the TV series, Miley Dreams

Firstly, I'm a big fan of the Spirited Away animated movie. I watched and thought, A little tweeking to things and I'm watching a dream occur, for real. Miley Dreams could be one half hour animation or only the Maiden's dreams are animations. Toyin' and thunkin' about it still ... .

Reality though. Fairy tale fantasy for a storyline, perhaps, though Mirror, mirror on the wall, and magic swords or rings are too gimicky here. What we focus on with Miley Cyrus in each Miley Dreams, (or Maiden America?) episode is the fact that she is seen by a group of individuals as possibly heaven sent. A group of people have singled her out because, one, she was consecrated Destiny Hope by her Pappy. But lots of parents do that to their children. Miley became a Rock Star though, and this raised eyebrows for credence to some divinic status or ...? destiny in her life. Then, some dude named k24anson presented her with the Treatise on the Nature of Life. Miley's not a scholar, but she's not shy for a challenge. Robots with cognition? The secrets of biological cognition? Hunting and slaying dinosaurs?

The group of people watching our Maiden from the sidelines believe she is being set up for a real mission of God, from the Creator. Events in her life make those who have an absolute belief in the existence of a Creator (some" thing" is not actually monitoring all those past, present, and future picture six and seven's of the Treatise? How absurd. No, there is a Creator. The treatise is proof enough for this crowd monitoring our Maiden) that Miley Cyrus is on a mission.

That's what I'm going on so far. Enough so far to make a working sketch of Maiden America as a TV series. Can I pull enough interesting things to have our Maiden involved with for three, four seasons of shows? Did Rodenberry do a number with all those Star Trek episodes? Yes, and my imagination will take off too, with Miley Dreams, or will it be Maiden America?

I'll post my thoughts for the TV series here more often.

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