
My Quest For Computer Cognition

My Quest For Computer Cognition
Situational scenes and ideas for a television sitcom, Miley Dreams. Miley will involve herself with a dude who discovered a mathematical, Cartesian relationship linking all biological life to a Creative entity. A fascinating discovery which motivates Miley and I and others to embark upon a quest for the secrets of biological cognition, ultimately to set the stage and the gears in motion for the construction of Murgatroyd: a future computer system mimicking biological cognition.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Locked On To You

Miley, sweetheart, the Creator knows
I've locked on to It.
And It knows I'm the first of Its creations
to have scoped It out.
Military fighter pilots, Tom Cruise and the boys are scared when "locked on."
The Creator I imagine sat up and fine-tunes in on me.
"Who is this creation of mine? To have discovered and now locked on to me?"
The Creator watches me manuever through time and space to "lock on" to you. It's watching
me and my want for you.
You, Miley Cyrus, Rock star
Dancin', prancin', kickin', screamin'
the seven things she loves, hates about moi.
Get me all hot and bothered, flustered.
It realizes, "I can't wait to see her again."
It knows I must wait to bond, to lock on to you, to us, to It, for all time forward.
My Flip Mino HD zooms in
to the wind wisps, strands of hair
frisky kitten eyes
waitin' for a good angle, view
of her concave belly-button ...!
Miley Cyrus, Rock star
Dancin', prancin', kickin', screamin'
The Creator is watchin' me waitin'
I can't wait to see you again
to lock on to you.
I want you. I will get you. Promise.


PadyPadyPop said...

if your blatant hatespeech was done cleverly or well, maybe Id think your just a decent mind led astray from the lords light. I dont believe it though because what you write it complete GARBAGE.

Jesus would be disappointed in you. you should be helping the people who need our lords guidance to find His love. You are not helping anyone by hating on the weak.

CreatorDetected said...

I have an obsessed looney on my blog. Well, she'll leave soon, I suppose.

PadyPadyPop said...

Upgraded to looney now? I won't leave. I'm a church volunteer. I have plenty of free time on my hands. When can I move in?

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