
My Quest For Computer Cognition

My Quest For Computer Cognition
Situational scenes and ideas for a television sitcom, Miley Dreams. Miley will involve herself with a dude who discovered a mathematical, Cartesian relationship linking all biological life to a Creative entity. A fascinating discovery which motivates Miley and I and others to embark upon a quest for the secrets of biological cognition, ultimately to set the stage and the gears in motion for the construction of Murgatroyd: a future computer system mimicking biological cognition.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Second song is 90% complete

I'm going for four Top Ten songs.

The first one entitled, The Rock Star And The Sage, I'm still contemplating why Jesus will send a Rock star and a sage to bring a message to the world. What is happening or will happen which necessitates Jesus' intervention at this point in time? Miley and I are special dudes, for sure, and the entire song, or opera presentation hinges on this crucial idea. Is the song a goof, or just something to giggle about, or are we truly and absolutely on a mission of sorts? Obviously the powers that be on earth are doing something very displeasing to the Creator, no? I'm still thinking about the reason because the reason sets the tone for what the rest of the song is about.

I'm as serious as cancer. I don't want to make an audience chuckle silly all the time ... . The potential is there for a great song.

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