
My Quest For Computer Cognition

My Quest For Computer Cognition
Situational scenes and ideas for a television sitcom, Miley Dreams. Miley will involve herself with a dude who discovered a mathematical, Cartesian relationship linking all biological life to a Creative entity. A fascinating discovery which motivates Miley and I and others to embark upon a quest for the secrets of biological cognition, ultimately to set the stage and the gears in motion for the construction of Murgatroyd: a future computer system mimicking biological cognition.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Synopsis of Miley Dreams — 2010

Huh, some dude Alexander is posting here for business? ~,~ • Sure, I'll play along … .

I want Miley and Tish to take up residence in Manhattan. 
The neighborhood around Park Avenue South is an ideal 
place for Miley and Moms to …? hide out within while the 
three of us brainstorm the screenplay for Miley Dreams. I 
imagine five, ten, at most fifteen months and the bulk of 
ideas will be thought out and a storyboard written ready for 
production. Videos of her aren't doing it. I need to become a 
bit more familiar with the idiosyncratics of Maiden America, 
aka our Miley, while she's still in her teenage years. The 
contrived, cookiecutter Hannah Montana lines for everyone 
are not my idea of the ideal for the characters in Miley 
Dreams. We break out of the mold to do Miley Dreams … .

Our Miley, Maiden America will want to understand 
that tome I wrote. Perhaps while surfing the Internet the idea 
of a computer system mimicking biological cognition is what 
first draws the Maiden's attention my way. Perhaps what 
draws her attention is how I spank Islamists:

and my jocular wit portraying the West as the best sparks an interest within her? 
Whatever causes her attention my way, as I describe and explain things I don't want a 
condescending air to our relationship. I don't want contrived 
things, emotions, and thoughts 'cause whatever is brought to
 be between the Maiden and the Sage (that's moi), I want 
first Miley to realize and then the audience of Miley Dreams 
to eventually come to the realization that Miley and I are on 
a mission of God. The Creator wants the West to begin 
taking steps to learn and understand biological 

The future world will truly become a better 
place for all while the best and the brightest strive to unravel 
the secrets of biological cognition. While we learn we also 
seek to bring application to any new-found knowledge and 
have begun construction within the New York metro area, 
…? Manhattan is deemed the destined creationbirthplace 
of Murgatroyd, the very first prototype computer system with 
verifiable cognition … 
Western governments and 
academic institutions have taken steps for the theoretical 
design and construction of prototype robots with computer 
systems mimicking biological cognition.

Miley Dreams portrays certain influential young folk in Islamist 
nations watching as the Maiden stirs first her fans and then 
an entire generation of young folk here in the West to this 
quest for robots with bio cognition. The young folk in Islamist 
nations rise up in revolt precisely because of what the 
Maiden, our Miley is doing to people in the West. Portraying 
influential Islamists realizing (in Miley Dreams dialog) that 
once the West has constructed the first robot(s) with bio 
cognition, their Islamist culture and civilization is being 
doomed. What kid with any ambition living in an Islamist 
nation will want to spend time reading the Qur'an and waste 
all their time acting goofy in rituals when they see and 
realize people in the West are learning about and actually 
building these robots? Our Miley plants the seeds of 
revolution in the minds of billions of Islamists, ... and when 
the Maiden reads or watches news reports in Miley Dreams 
of this realization for what she's doing … — and I want to 
actually talk like this to Miley Cyrus, and then to watch her 
reaction and how she laughs to this depiction of her and her 
character now. I need to become more familiar with Miley 
Cyrus, her idiosyncratics and manners, so as to write the 
more perfect screenplay.

Imagine Alexander a potential future reality: the now belligerent to the West 
Iranian leaders are history. They have been replaced, and 
the new leaders have dismantled their nuclear arsenal …, 
done because of the Maiden, our treasure, the loved by all, 
the wonderful Miley Cyrus. Without firing a shot …, imagine 

I want Miley Cyrus. She's perfect for the role. 
She can accomplish great things. I can boost her up on a 
stead, to lead a generation to strive to also accomplish great
 things. I imagine ten, fifteen months is enough time to write 
the initial season of episodes … .


Howdy, Miley. I got the reigns of a 
nice horse to give to 'ya, and a kiss to the forehead, when 
we first meet, … if 'ya want 'em. You're perfect for the role. 



PadyPadyPop said...

And when this happens all the parents will go 'no, this is unsuitable' and ban their children from watching it. Great plan, Mergatroidal. You'll ruin her career too, how thoughtful.

See, this is why disney hire qualified scriptwriters.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Part of me wants this show to go ahead. Then when Miley gets her skanky self fired from disney she'll end up a washed up drug addict like Ozzy. Like, I don't WANT her to kill her career but damned if it wouldn't make a good news story.

PadyPadyPop said...

Anyway, this post was directed at Alexander. We should wait and see what he has to say.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Yeah, maybe he's a TV producer or something. Or maybe he's Miley Cyrus in disguise!

PadyPadyPop said...

Or he's actually a satanist trying to turn mergatardals gay.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Or maybe that's a great big pink piggie flying through the air.

PadyPadyPop said...

It's a conspiracy all organised by the government. They're using food colouring to alter his brain.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

I thought it was prison drugs and it was christians running it all?

PadyPadyPop said...

No, no. If you read this blog carefully you'll find that it's the christians who APPROVE of the satanists running the operation, which is actually sponsored by the government.
They're trying to turn young boys gay by putting drugs in prison food. I'm not entirely sure how this works yet, I'll have to clarify that with Mergretardals here.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Well maybe this is the mysterious part of the conspiracy where biologically cognitive robots come in. He lost me around that part too.

PadyPadyPop said...

Of course! It all becomes clear now.

Christians are approving of Satanists who run this drug programme developed by the government. They are testing the drug in prisons, on inmates, to turn them gay.
This is because they want to stop the human race from reproducing, so that biologically cognitive robots can rule the world!

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Oh der! Of course. Why didn't we realise this before? It's so obvious now.

And Mergatroidals is actually working for the government, trying to create the first biologically cognitive robot to start the revolution. He posed as an inmate to alleviate suspicion... but now he's gone AWOL and he's trying to get Miley Cyrus in on this because everyone knows she's just a big dumb robot herself.

PadyPadyPop said...

Right, and he's trying to expose the government's secret plan in order to get them out of the picture.

We should probably warn the general public. We don't want these robots going psycho and killing everyone. Though it would be funny to witness him running from an angry pitchfork-waving mob of those gay guys he's so afraid of.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Yeah, all wearing purple spandex and mini skirts, screaming "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FAGGOT?!"

We should probably stop, we don't wanna give him nightmares.
Well, we do, but that's not what I mean.

PadyPadyPop said...

Well we could always direct people to this blog. I mean, at the very least, our altercations with Kurt will have some comedic value.

And if there is a conspiracy, isn't it our job as good, decent people, to bring it to the attention of the masses?

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Nah, we don't want to bring a hoarde of government officials down on his ass. Let's let him have his 15 minutes of fame. He's put a lot of work into this, we might as well let his inevitable failage go down in public.

PadyPadyPop said...

The government wouldn't care about him one little bit. What he has to say about his fascination with young girls, on the other hand...

I don't know, maybe you're right.
Why not let him climb the celebrity ladder. It'll only make it that much more hilarious when he gets comitted to a mental ward.

CreatorDetected said...

Boys and girls, listen to them cluck …!

CreatorDetected said...

… and yes, definitely, everyone go see The Last Song come April. The Maiden has contractual obligations at the present time, and I'm certain Liam's family is tickled pink with her presence now. I know I would be … ~,~

Hey, you two back-stabbers? What'd'ya got against the Cortez post I wrote? Don't you want to correct my ways?:-) Cortez didn't encounter Mayans. He hung out with Aztecs. Silly, I suppose, for me to have presumed keen insight from the two toads posting here. Yes, silly me. He he

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

We're more worried about those poor kiddies that are going to end up with mental problems (and worse) by the time you're finished with them. Your fumbling and factual errors are meaningless, seeing as how the show will never go ahead ANYway.

PadyPadyPop said...

I don't think 'backstabbers' means what you think it means, Mergatroidal. For us to be backstabbers we would have had to be on your side in the first place. Go and buy a thesaurus or something.

Anyway, I agree with Sezzle. Your blog post was meaningless.

So Mergatroidals, what do you think Miley Cyrus would say if she saw the post where you're describing your stint in prison?

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

I'm pretty sure she has gay friends too, so I'm going to lol forever if she finds his "omg fags are gay!!11one!" post.

Too bad she won't =(

PadyPadyPop said...

He seems pretty confident that she will. Maybe he WANTS her to think he's a bigoted, delusional old fart.

I'll be interested to see her reaction to his 'conspiracy' posts too. they don't even make any sense.

on top of that, he insulted her family. Something tells me she won't be too impressed about that.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

We insulted her too, oh my. Poor Kurt, we've screwed up his chances of meeting his idol.

Too bad, I was looking forward to the media frenzy over her 50 year old stalker XD

PadyPadyPop said...

She's better off without him anyway. Just saying.

PadyPadyPop said...

Does she really have gay friends? I'd love to see her face if Kurt tried to get her to take part in his hatespeech.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Perlease, Pady, doll, my gaydar goes bananas when I see her guy friends on TV and stuff. (pun intended, ahahaha)
Uh, vulgarity aside, yeah. Take it from a gay guy.

You know what would be REALLY funny? If Miley was a lesbian. I mean, I don't think she is (though past relationships mean NOTHING) but man, wouldn't that just be a kick in the face for old Mergfag?

PadyPadyPop said...

Oh, yes. Talk about salt in the wounds.

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

So how come you're too scared to talk to me directly, Mergling? Scared my super duper fabulousness is going to rub off on you?

Or do you think you're just too good to associate with me because I don't automatically agree with everything you say?

CreatorDetected said...

… [cough],[cough] …

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

Oh, you're just jealous because I actually have a penis, sorry. Forgot that was a touchy subject for you.

So anyway, how come you're following your own blog? I mean, you're the only follower, and it says so right at the top of your page. Don't you think that's a little sad?

sezzlemcsezzleton said...

By the way, are you one of those westboro baptist church fellas? They're just as god fearing as you are. "Oh no, god hates gays! Oh no, they're so wrong, god will hate us if we don't make a huge deal out of it!" They try to brainwash little kids as well. The similarities between you and them are uncanny.

CreatorDetected said...

Imagine the Creator designating the New York metro area to be the creationbirthplace of the first cognitive computer system created by human mind and hand. Marvel future peoples, the greatest creation of human mind and hand: Murgatroyd. A system with the capacity for volition. Imagine that, the future ... .

It is my firm belief that the intentions of the Creator have deemed the nation of the United States of America with the honor of such a creation: a brand spankin' new form of life, a new species of life ... wow! Murgatroyd. The West is the best! Now and in the history books of tomorrow. The West is the best!

And to believe the Creator wants and very much intends to have Pady and Sez types of human ilk, this collection and these groups of human slimeball thoughts and beliefs to be recorded as satanic. This recording is accomplished so as to insure that the "genetic code" that the future human engineers will place upon Murgatroyd to have it's progeny evolve into nothing similar to their slimeball, sick-fuck nature. Murgatroyds will never become the violent, terror life forms of movies. The Creator wants and intends to have the future people who will work to build Murgatroyds to realize Pady and Sez sick-fuck types as evil people, and not good wholesome, upstanding back-stabbers to humanity as they are seen to be today. They're Maggots of Jesus, in actuality. Don't think of them as some kind of ideal and then want to emulate and become like them. Jesus knows these intellectual cowards not a wit ... .

CreatorDetected said...
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CreatorDetected said...
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CreatorDetected said...

Future manipulation of the genetic code. The proud homos of today ponder upon the words of that sentence and to realize someday, perhaps ten thousand years into the future, … and oops! faggotism will be no more. Homos of today realize a fleeting notion they're fighting a battle that they ultimately, in the bitter end, they will lose. In the future only defeat is the end result? YES! … and, … yet today we must fight …! And the plot thickens …, heh-heh. ~,~

Faggotism is eradicated because future individuals who desire children will "turn off" the genes that render their male offspring with thoughts to act like females sexually. Those future individuals who turn off their offspring's genes for faggotism will always be at odds with those incorrigible sick-fucks of the human race such as the Maggot For Jesus Pady and her satanic lover-in-amour Sez who will fight for the right to turn their offspring into their version of the best human: that is, the most delectable hunks of Manhood a faggot could dream of. Imagine what the future sick-fucks would genetically cook up as the ideal human so as to suit their satanic thoughts with … . Oh, my God! is the response to such imagined thought, I suppose … . Don't anyone attempt to stop these future satanic sick-fucks from keeping those faggot genes turned on and running at full-steam with their offspring! No, Sir! Maggot Pady and Sez and all their satanic sick-fuck friends have rights, too! And they all most definitely will fight anyone who stands in their way for the respect and the right to faggotize their own brood or clan or clique or what-have-you of human offspring. Don't mess with these sick-fucks, boys and girls. Be scared and seek “protection” … . Heh-heh. 

In the future faggotism is wiped off the human genetic code. This is certain and of course "good." But how long the world and humanity must wait for the good to be the reality is dependent upon convincing the future satanic sick-fucks to, ultimately, simply lay down and die and surrender. Imagine finding the words and the rationales to speak to those proud homosexuals of today, and like-wise to those adamant and now-blessed-by-"god"-joined-in-holy-matrimony-homosexuals of the future, attempting to convince them that what their sexual life is about is similar to a plague, a disease afflicting the human condition and spirit towards a debased and perverse nature. Well, boys and girls, no one else is doing this kind of talkin’. No political, educational, religious leaders of today are accomplishing anything to stand up and cheer about. An opportunity then for the beloved Miley Cyrus and I through Miley Dreams to do what needs to be done to bring about a truly better world for all. Someone has to step up to the plate and hit the home runs. 'Cause no one else is, … and so then this mission might as well be accomplished through us, Miley and I. Heh-heh. ~,~

Faggotism will someday be exterminated off the earth. Accomplished through the future individuals who will want their children to think and live heterosexual lives. Through simple acts of choosing snippets of genetic code (reference the word eugenics here at Wikipedia, perhaps …) and faggotism will someday go completely “bye-bye.” But between now and this future date battles must be fought. Maggots and sick-fucks like Pady & Sez are capable of much evil until the're vanquished by the good people of today, and those who will follow in the future. Stay strong, boys and girls. The better world for all depends on you. Heh-heh. ~,~

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