Fade In:
Ext. Tennessee Hillside – Day
Miley and Noah stroll through open field to a path in the forest leading to a small pond. Miley and Noah draw pond water into glass jars and then walk back onto path and through field to house.
Fade out:
Fade In:
Int. of room of house
Two binocular microscopes and computers on tables. Music on radio plays Mountain's, Nantucket Sleighride. Miley and Noah enter room and prepare slides with pond water for mounting on microscopes. Sunbeam through window sparkles microscopes Miley and Noah stand beside. Miley places her 228 month Rockstar hip upon a stool, and then while moving and adjusting her hip so as to sit upon the stool more comfortably, Miley leans her upper body to peer down the eyepiece of the microscope.
Through the eyepiece, the glass slide is nudged until a paramecium slithers into view. Miley picks up tweezers, pinches grains of salt from table, dropping salt grains upon drop of water on the slide. 228 month Miley is seen to again move and adjust her hips upon the stool as her eye is brought to the eyepiece ... . Ten, fifteen seconds of time passes before the paramecium is seen to disintegrate through the eyepiece.
Miley sits upright. Pensive for several moments.
'The silicon chip inside her head switched to over-load.'Back to scene:
Miley turns to stare at cc radio.
Tell me why / I don't like mondaysTell me why / I don't like mondaysTell me why / I don't like mondaysI wanna shoot the whole day down.Back to scene:
Noah (lifting her eye from the microscope):
These things are cool.
Miley begins nodding her head (like yeah) to Noah. Miley listens to radio intently.
Announcer's Voice Over from cc radio:
That was Bob Geldof and the Boom Town Rats with their, I Don't Like Mondays.
And now Robots From God, by Third Person Schizoids.
I feel pain. I feel joy. Smashed my thumb. I'm too hot and then quickly cold.
I mimic my creators. I'm a robot from God.
Don't sweat. Don't break your back. Let me lift that for you.
I'm your robot. The intentions of the Creator God. I'm robots from God.
Back to scene:
Miley picks up cellphone:
"Pa, tell Queeg to get the papers for me to sign
for the place on Park Avenue.
And call and tell Maggie.
I want to move in as soon as possible, too, OK?"
Billy Ray voice over:
"Honey, are you sure you want to do this?
That man is gonna done pour a whole lot of his gravy over those
dollops of lumpy mashed potatoes you'll be serv'n up ...!"
"Pa, I think I know ..., I hope it's my destiny. I love you."
Billy Ray:
"I love you, too, cupcake. I'll call Queeg and Maggie within the hour."
Fade out:
Ten minutes and not a peep from the lard brains, yet. They'll be here, though ... .
Ohhhhhh poor Mergatroidals was waiting for us. Poor lickle man, did you miss us? I can kind of understand it though, it's not like you have any friends. Did you get up early just to post this? Did our meanieface comments keep you awake at night? Awwww.
My apologies for keeping you waiting all on your lonesome like that. I had a visit from my midwife. You know how it goes. Or rather, you would know how it goes if you actually had a family.
And if Maggie gets any screen time I demand that she is played by a real irish actress, not one of those hollywood bimbos with a fake accent.
Maggie, when was the last time you had a bowel movement?
Was that an attempt at a joke? I didn't know you had a sense of humor. You take yourself so seriously it's hard to tell.
When was the last time YOU had one? I only ask because you're so full of crap.
Anyway, I'm off to Kildare for christmas. Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone. I probably won't think of you, but don't take it too personally. After the new year, maybe.
You know, I think I could get behind this show. It would be great, it practically mocks itself. The public would see how fail-tastic Mergtard really is - and they wouldn't be able to simply ignore him as usual.
Don't bother Queeg, this is what really happened.
Boys and girls, understand the lard brains commenting now are simply losers. I was suppose to be this generations congenital link and the great rationale that faggotism is normal, "it's in the genes," and the previous blog post has all these disgruntled losers realizing forty-five years of effort to install faggotism into the world if I turned into a practicing faggot, well, they're only now beginning to realize it's all about to go down the tubes. And they're disgruntled now, 'cause all those years of time and all that money they spent pursuing academic studies to learn about, understand, advocate in cackling classroom discussion, and then to promote faggotism onto their friends and ultimately the world at large with, ... well, because of me and what I have just accomplished with one blog post, all this time and effort of theirs is for naught. One blog post of mine does a crippling broadside upon their warship, Faggotism. Their screams of help ..., should I bother rescuing such an oafish lot? I'll watch and read what they say now, but ...? maybe I will and maybe I won't save them from further public humiliation ... .
Boys and girls, imagine yourself studying and involved with alchemy practices for the first forty years of your life and then one day a well planned and strategic event sneaks up and hits you close-range, a forty cannon broadside, ripping your decks to splinters, , your masts are toppled, and I've crippled your ship of self-esteem like a ton of bricks dropped down from the sky, ... and, I laugh. As Warner Wolf would say, You lose!
Yes, boys and girls, because of moi their humiliation is now public. Read these losers now as they lick their wounds and grovel in defeat. Someone had to do it, expose their satanic nature to the good people of the earth ..., and it might as well've been me, I suppose. :-)
Pretty pictures of our Miley. The dialog is second-rate though ... .
Mrs. Prunejuice, if you really wanted to stir up the bees nest you should imply that Billy Ray and Miley are pondering whether or not to bring any Disney folks into any future productions with our Miley. Split the pie three ways, between Billy Ray, Miley, and I. Why divvy up the pie to those who may not be "necessary contributions?" That treatise is gold, and it's mine to give to the right people, but who needs Shankman? I mean, really?
I'm writing the above in jest. All the Disney pop stars, Salena, Taylor, Beiber, etc., have good people around them. They're definite assets. But think about doing as much as you can by yourself, for a change.
Miley Dreams It's gonna be big ... .
Mergatroidal, stop babbling to yourself. It's a sign of madness, you know. And it's not like anyone else even reads this.
Anyway, like I said, I can't post again until after christmas. Try not to get too lonely.
And you can call us whatever you want, you're the one who keeps replying to us. That just screams 'DESPERATE LONELY OLD MAN' like nothing else.
Mrs. SqueezeTheEnemaBulbAnd
Miley will read this:
and The Maiden immediately wants to acquire copyrights to the manuscript, and to play the part of Amy Soldier in the movie. After our Maiden moves to New York, her and I put our noodles together and eventually a script is written so that Kurt Soldier's character role in the original manuscript is Amy Soldier's role in the screenplay.
Maggie, Billy Ray and Jackie Chan, and not you, are in some spy movie coming out the 15th of January. You lose, again.
Oooooomg you people are boring as a gaybar without the gay! And I should know, if you catch my meaning ;)
Pady, girl, if you're THAT preggers you should be avoiding conflict of any kind. Keep your blood pressure DOWN. At least until your bundle of And for the love of mary, joseph, little baby Jesus and his donkey too, shut up with the miley cyrus thing, both of you! And the whole religion thing, ugh, that's so 2005! You're both wasting your energy.
From this moment onwards, this comment topic is now about which Michael Jackson song is the best.
PS - it's totally 'Beat it'.
PPS - Jackie Chan totally rules. I'd do him in a heartbeat.
I meant 'until your bundle of joy arrives'. Wow. See this is what happens when you drink like a fish over christmas. Oh well you know what I meant.
Your concern for my health is touching, McSezzleton. You don't need to worry about me, though. This isn't so much of a conflict as shooting petty insults back and forth, I admit. It's just kind of hard to get any sense out of Mr Hanson anymore.
I completely agree with you, McSezzleton. Let's discuss something of importance for once.
'Beat it' is ok, but I always thought the sheer ambitiousness of 'Thriller' was unbeatable.
Thriller? You reckon? Ok the video was alright and the song was catchy but I think he's deffo written better songs than that. What about Billie Jean and Bad. If youre going for the well known ones.
It's not so much the song and video itself I admire so much, it's that he proved it only takes overnight to become a superstar. He was famous before Thriller, but what song to people automatically thing of when they hear his name?
Yes, song wise he has written some better ones. I do like Thriller though.
I get what you mean. He changed the face of pop music with Thriller right?
Actually I think he had/has a constant bar of quality in his music that is hard to find these days. I mean, look at all these cut-out pop singers and what they do. They're manipulated by the media (i think you mentioned this before right? About disney and miley cyrus.)
Michael Jackson built his image all by himself, thats pretty cool right?
Changed the face of pop music eh. You definately could say that.
All these awful hip hop 'singers' and rappers are cashing in on Michael's creativity. I'd much rather listen to the man himself.
Interesting how you mention the fact he built his image all by himself. I think his father had the biggest hand in prepping little-Michael for stardom. I mean, the Jackson 5 were already famous before he even went solo.
Yeah he broke away from his dad though right?
Anyway, in the end it doesn't matter who made his image. In the end all it took was an ungrateful brat with a greedy mom and dad to destroy it.
Excuse me for interrupting, ... anyone who can write lyrics while in thought about a rodent, name the rodent Ben in the process, gets two thumbs up in my book.
Please, continue with your conversation ... .
Actually no, it wasn't the kid, it was the media right? If the paparazzi hadn't been all up in his grill about the court case the guy could have maintained some of his dignity. But no, they had to act like a pack of hyenas.
Sorry, I just get mad when I think about those jerks. They make a living out of publicizing famous people's misery.
They also document the celebrities' triumphs and successes. There was a whole scuffle about Kylie Minougue's breast cancer. But she made a full recovery (and the support from her fans was HUGE), and she became an inspiration to other women with cancer.
I think the media is not totally a bad thing in itself. Corrupted and money-grabbing, yes. Morally ambiguous in the way they target young girls' insecurities (have you seen the dove campaign ads?) but not completely bad.
I agree with you about the coverage of Michael Jackson's ongoing court case(s). He was already under way too much pressure and they didn't leave him alone even for a second.
you mean the 'campaign for real beauty'? Yeah, we get that over here too. If you ask me it's just another marketing ploy.
If you look closely at their ads with 'real' women prancing around in their undies, you'll see that not one of those women is overweight or ugly even in the slightest. In fact, they could easily be models that just happened to eat a couple of cookies and can't fit into their size 0s anymore.
Given that you've got a bun in the oven I'd expect that you're not exactly tiny yourself at the moment, but COOOOOME on I've seen beautiful size 18 girls. (Well that's all a matter opinion but whaaaatever)
Not that I'd want to see butt-ugly, obese half-nekkid women bouncing around my TV screen, but would it hurt to admit that beauty does NOT equal bum size?
Thanks for your comments about my weight, that did wonders for my self-esteem. Jerk.
Nah, just kidding. If you can't stuff your face while you're pregnant, when else can you?
I'm not a supermodel-thin girl normally anyway, but I'd have to disagree with you about putting size 18 girls in an advert promoting health and beauty. I've never seen anything remotely attractive about girls (or guys, for that matter!) with flab glooping out everywhere. If it were me I'd cover myself up. Sharpish.
Size 18 girls are generally (if not all) pretty overweight. Looks aside, this is actually unhealthy. It would be considered irresponible of Dove to encourage women to stay overweight.
Especially in this day and age, when schools are being banned from selling junk food and Macdonalds is sponsoring sports events. SPORTS EVENTS. I ask you.
Though this is also the era of 'baa baa rainbow sheep' and Snow White with the seven 'little people' or whatever the hell they've changed it to. Ugh.
You know, Pady, girl, I totally get what you mean right?
I still think it's not right for Dove to be all WE THINK EVERY GIRL IS BEAUTIFUL if they're not prepared to suck it up (pun intended) and put a... um... ROUND girl on their ads.
BUT I do see what you mean. You're like my voice of reason right?
Ew, did they really change the words to baa baa black sheep? Why? Because it's 'racist'? What a load of bull...um. Poop.
This is what I like about living in hong kong. The english on the signs is so bad, there's deffo no room for political correctness. If you look at engrish.com you'll get signs like "toilets for cripples here" and stuff. I feel bad for laughing but I just can't help myself.
Tremble mortals, for I am the end of days!
Right, now that's over, good day all. Pleasure is all yours, I'm sure....
I happened across this and figured certain people needed to be enlightened-and what better way to do that than by allowing said people to be eclipsed by my shadow.
Voice of reason? Stop that, you flatterer! Just 2 days ago you were smacking me on the wrist and telling me to stop bickering with Mergretard.
Enlighten us, eh 'Alexander?' and exactly how are you going to do that?
By simply being here of course. So all may bask in my glory.
Some need it more than others if you catch my drift....
Shhh, don't let him know we've been watching and waiting.....
Al, baby, howdy-do. Glad to have you sign up and pull you up outta the water. Welcome aboard.
Want hear a joke? What did Mohamed say to Jesus?
Wanna hear a joke?
Kurt Hanson.
Wanna hear another joke?
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Kurt Hanson?
Michael Jackson was innocent.
Omfg I am so sorry, that post was full of mistakes XD
I'm a terrible typer. Ok, let's try this again.
PADY, STOP THAT FIGHTING, you're totally gonna mess up your blood pressure. I don't care whether your health is perfect, you're preggers. Don't make me fly over there. ;)
Anyway, (sorry Mergatroidal) those jokes were so funny... but so mean! Are you always this mean! Good grief.
ANYWAY, having broken up yet another spat (am I good or what) I have decided this conversation is now about baby names. More specifically, what you're going to name your kid! (BTW Is it a girl or a boy?)
I think if I ever had a kid (I bat for the other team, but this is totally theoretical anyway) I would call it Rachel for a girl and Zach (not Zack, it's pronounced za-ccchhhhh with like that european soft 'k'/'c' sound.) for a boy.
So what are you gonna call yours? Something irish right? Euan? Erin? (I hope I spelled everything right this time! lol)
I had a bit of a "WTF" moment when I saw your first post Sezzle. Did you hack into my account? (I'm kidding, this blog website is full of glitches. Mr Hanson probably retarded it all up or something)
Regarding my 'mummy glow'...
Let me tell you, mister, being pregnant is NOT all fun and games. Your back aches, you get sick in the mornings (I'm way past that stage, luckily) you feel hungry and thirsty ALL the time, you get flabby, you get lazy, you constantly feel like you have to pee, you don't 'glow', you sweat like a pig. When the baby kicks and people go "aww, you've got a little football player!" I want to sock them right in the mouth. IT HURTS. I look like I've got a balloon strapped to my belly. I waddle. It's not attractive at all.
Still, I couldn't be happier. I actually have no idea of the baby's gender as Seth and I requested that we don't know until he or she born. All of the baby stuff and the nursery is green. (Yes, we like green =P)
We actually decided on either 'Jude'(as in Jude Law, not 'hey Jude') or 'Draven' for a boy (we're in two minds because Jude sounds a bit girly. I do like it though) and 'Niamh' for a girl. That's pronounced 'Neeve'.
Zach is a wonderful name. Careful, I might steal it.
AHAHAHAHA did my post really show up with your name? It's not at my end. Maybe this one will show up with Merg's or Alex's name. Talk about confusion.
Draven is the best name ever, you should go with that. Jude is alright but what if he grows up a beatles fan? That would be embarrassing.
NA NA NA nanana NAH! nanana NAH! HE-Y JUDE!
lol just kidding.
Sezzle, you made me laugh and want to punch you at the same time. How do you do it? ;)
It's showing up with your name now, so I guess the site just screwed up at my end.
I too like Draven, but I also found another possibility today at our new years church 'do. What about 'Bryn'? Short for Brynnock? Or is that too girly?
It's a talent of mine =3
I don't know about Bryn. Reminds me of 'Branwyn'. Go with Draven!!!
Sorry guys, have been run off my feet the past few days. I better get some overtime for this shit.
I think I'll pass on the joke if it's all the same Kurt. I'm not religious. Although, I admit I could be hopelessly wrong. How can we know, right? But I digress, I am here for buisness and business must come before....idle chit-chat. My profile is pretty bare, so I doubt you can gather who I work for. But I assure you, it is something you are interested in...
I'm sorry I don't reply all that often, but I am a busy man. Work has been diabolical. You would think over the christmas/New years break, everything would slow down.
Alas, it is not so.
Kurt, if you would be so kind, could you link me to somewhere I may read your work? I have more than just a passing interest in the subject and would like to glance through. Once I've read through, we can talk business.
I should know who I'm in conversation with though fat-
chance I'll ever set up a meeting with Disney Channel''s
Senior Vice President of Programming, Adam Bonnett,
so sure, maybe I'll write to you …~,~
Kurt Soldier is the protagonist in my novel,
My Quest For Computer Cognition. The
manuscript is a PDF file downloadable
Miley Dreams continues where my novel ends.
Dolly is the Maiden's Godmother, and while
following and checking Soldier out for Miley she witnessed
the traffic accident at the end of the novel's story. Organized
socialists are against “progress,” and robots are ideologically
threatening. Flashback scenes within Miley Dreams are
moments of Kurt's past as described in the novel.
The intentions of the Creator God are to have us, Its human
creation embark upon unraveling the secrets of biological
cognition. Understanding ourselves in this manner will
“nullify the legitimacy” of so much nonsensical thought in the
world today. The world will truly become a better place with
the knowledge gleaned about what makes us tick. We'll also
start not an arms race but a race between nations and
cultures for who is best prepared to pursue and then create
the first cognitive system. A system with volition, …
Terminators, Transformers for real …! The nation and
culture that builds the first cognitive system has the right to
lead the future peoples, their scruples, mores, and norms
are “better,” and another's beliefs are not as advantageous
to consider adopting for future peoples lives. I'm referring to
the communist and Islamist ideologies and their contentions
with the West, for instance, and while some team in Rusky
or China lands may build the first system in the future and
thus make claims of legitimacy for their way of life, Islamist
men can in no way organize themselves and then eventually
create a future cognitive system. The Islamist way of life can
be said to be disadvantageous to adopt and thus consider
leading future peoples with. All this is interesting Miley
Dreams dialog for the mature, altruistic mind to consider.
This Web site I wrote to promote the novel.
But the book still has typos, which may make the book
more valuable as a collector's item ¡~,~¡ Not much useful
info except perhaps here.
I imagine each Miley Dream episode opens or ends with a
dream of the Maiden. The dreams are animations of Rock
songs. I post four excellent “dreams” on my
Definitely watch and imagine Miley dreaming Mountain's
Nantucket Sleighride. Or, Miley never saw
this in
real life, so it's a subtle but spooky-toothed nightmare ¡~,~¡
Rock songs put to animations are totally cool and a first
with Miley Dreams.
That's all for now.
Alexander, Disney animators could create something like this for the Maiden and the crew to sink their imagination into. It's a civilian Skunks work project. The Maiden has befriended several wealthy individuals since her relationship with the Sage. No, the computer system is Class Four. Similar to an arachnid's. No volition, yet … .
Here’s a YouTube link to the RoboCop video.
Miley Dreams has the potential to move a generation to do great things. That treatise of mine is totally cool, too.
I don't think ~.~ means what you think it means...
Oh wait, no, now I get it. You're trying to appeal to your mail order bride.
What mail order bride?
The one I ordered for him, duh.
Imagine the Creator designating the New York metro area to be the creationbirthplace of the first cognitive computer system created by human mind and hand. Marvel future peoples, the greatest creation of human mind and hand: Murgatroyd. A system with the capacity for volition. Imagine that, the future ... .
It is my firm belief that the intentions of the Creator have deemed the nation of the United States of America with the honor of such a creation: a brand spankin' new form of life, a new species of life ... wow! Murgatroyd. The West is the best! Now and in the history books of tomorrow. The West is the best!
And to believe the Creator wants and very much intends to have Pady and Sez types of human ilk, this collection and these groups of human slimeball thoughts and beliefs to be recorded as satanic. This recording is accomplished so as to insure that the "genetic code" that the future human engineers will place upon Murgatroyd to have it's progeny evolve into nothing similar to their slimeball, sick-fuck nature. Murgatroyds will never become the violent, terror life forms of movies. The Creator wants and intends to have the future people who will work to build Murgatroyds to realize Pady and Sez sick-fuck types as evil people, and not good wholesome, upstanding back-stabbers to humanity as they are seen to be today. They're Maggots of Jesus, in actuality. Don't think of them as some kind of ideal and then want to emulate and become like them. Jesus knows these intellectual cowards not a wit ... .
Cool copypasta bro...
Future manipulation of the genetic code. The proud homos of today ponder upon the words of that sentence and to realize someday, perhaps ten thousand years into the future, … and oops! faggotism will be no more. Homos of today realize a fleeting notion they're fighting a battle that they ultimately, in the bitter end, they will lose. In the future only defeat is the end result? YES! … and, … yet today we must fight …! And the plot thickens …, heh-heh. ~,~
Faggotism is eradicated because future individuals who desire children will "turn off" the genes that render their male offspring with thoughts to act like females sexually. Those future individuals who turn off their offspring's genes for faggotism will always be at odds with those incorrigible sick-fucks of the human race such as the Maggot For Jesus Pady and her satanic lover-in-amour Sez who will fight for the right to turn their offspring into their version of the best human: that is, the most delectable hunks of Manhood a faggot could dream of. Imagine what the future sick-fucks would genetically cook up as the ideal human so as to suit their satanic thoughts with … . Oh, my God! is the response to such imagined thought, I suppose … . Don't anyone attempt to stop these future satanic sick-fucks from keeping those faggot genes turned on and running at full-steam with their offspring! No, Sir! Maggot Pady and Sez and all their satanic sick-fuck friends have rights, too! And they all most definitely will fight anyone who stands in their way for the respect and the right to faggotize their own brood or clan or clique or what-have-you of human offspring. Don't mess with these sick-fucks, boys and girls. Be scared and seek “protection” … . Heh-heh.
In the future faggotism is wiped off the human genetic code. This is certain and of course "good." But how long the world and humanity must wait for the good to be the reality is dependent upon convincing the future satanic sick-fucks to, ultimately, simply lay down and die and surrender. Imagine finding the words and the rationales to speak to those proud homosexuals of today, and like-wise to those adamant and now-blessed-by-"god"-joined-in-holy-matrimony-homosexuals of the future, attempting to convince them that what their sexual life is about is similar to a plague, a disease afflicting the human condition and spirit towards a debased and perverse nature. Well, boys and girls, no one else is doing this kind of talkin’. No political, educational, religious leaders of today are accomplishing anything to stand up and cheer about. An opportunity then for the beloved Miley Cyrus and I through Miley Dreams to do what needs to be done to bring about a truly better world for all. Someone has to step up to the plate and hit the home runs. 'Cause no one else is, … and so then this mission might as well be accomplished through us, Miley and I. Heh-heh. ~,~
Faggotism will someday be exterminated off the earth. Accomplished through the future individuals who will want their children to think and live heterosexual lives. Through simple acts of choosing snippets of genetic code (reference the word eugenics here at Wikipedia, perhaps …) and faggotism will someday go completely “bye-bye.” But between now and this future date battles must be fought. Maggots and sick-fucks like Pady & Sez are capable of much evil until the're vanquished by the good people of today, and those who will follow in the future. Stay strong, boys and girls. The better world for all depends on you. Heh-heh. ~,~
Hey, that's pretty good, you managed to be totally wrong and look like a creepy fucker AND a pretentious git ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
I'd be offended but no one cares about your opinion anyway so... you're just repeating the same old crap anyway. Come on old man, where's this high IQ you're supposed to have?!
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